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Trailways Flyer – Summer 2024

By July 5, 2024No Comments


The 2025 “I Am Special” Decade Celebration is HERE!

With “Courage to Care” in our hearts, four camps are planned for the 24/25 season –October 14-17, November 18-21 in  2024 and January 20-23, February 17-20 in 2025.  Registration for all four camps has begun. Fall camps will provide participation opportunities for 80 adults and their families in 24/25.

Trailways now officially has two staff  on the operations and outreach team–Camp Director, Jamie Senkeleski and Karan Balmer. Thanks to very special donors who responded to our highly focused “ReLaunch” Appeal we have opened a home base for the Trailways Team at 1177 Causeway Rd., Sanibel.  Watch for opportunities to visit at our official opening late Summer/early Fall.

New Outreach initiatives have begun to reach more of the 18-25 years old exiting from special education.  The team is making personal contacts with individuals and organizations in Hendry and Glades counties to share opportunities for adults with special needs and their families and to establish partnerships with providers to broaden the array of services available for adults with special needs, and increase opportunities for overnight respite for their caregivers.

The Lee County United Way has approved Trailways Camp as a new partner agency beginning in January 2025.  We are so excited to become a part of this broad community collaboration, and to learn about new opportunities for coordinating resources.  The unmet needs are so great.

We hope you will join in as volunteers and/or financial supporters as we prepare for the Fall 2024 camps. As you know the only cost to a camper is a $40 registration fee. Additional financial support is essential to enable camper scholarships that enable us to meet the rise in costs for food, activities, medical support staff and assistive personnel.  Scholarship donations that are tax deductible can be made here at  or by check to Trailways Camps, Inc. % Sharon or Jerry Miller, 3502 Harbor Ct., Ft. Myers, Florida 33908.  (EIN:88-2818905)

It is also a perfect opportunity to consider a tax deductible donation as part of an RMD distribution, stock donations as you plan for the year ahead, or other creative gifting ideas with which we can provide wise counsel.

Thank you for considering participation in this Camper Scholarship Appeal during this summer time of outreach and registration.

Happy Trails,

 Sharon & Jerry Miller, Founder

Guess Who Came to the 2024 “I AM SPECIAL”?

Thank you Grampy’s Charities for your continued encouragement and support for Trailways Campers. Jim and Jonatha Castle are supporters of families and those providing caregiving support for adults with special needs. Visit to read more about this amazing team leading an amazing outreach to our community.

Did you know that we have a You Tube Channel? If you subscribe you will always be able to be aware of any new video’s from the Camps or “I AM SPECIAL” events. Just go to You Tube, the handle is @trailwayscamps

EVENT & CAMP HAPPENINGS–Sharing our gifts and talents

Are you ready for our horse experiences?

Thank you Chapel by the Sea for providing a grant to renew and upgrade  horse experiences for all campers who come while maintaining care standards for the animals who serve us. New safety helmets in several sizes for those who are without medical restrictions to mount a horse and have a led horse experience.   A new Mounting Block provides further assistance for those who are not able to sit atop a horse.  Mini Horse Entertainment is provided through Naples Therapeutic Riding Center. Pony hand painting experiences top off the fun. We are so grateful for this very special donation that will benefits all Trailways Campers.

Benjamin G. Miller “Joyful Spirit” Academy

A tradition that is part of each Trailways Camp Session is the Awards Assembly at which campers themselves are recognized for the gifts they bring, the achievements reached, and the most remarkable character reflections visible during the gathering. This tradition is carried forward to the Annual “I AM SPECIAL” Camper Reunion & Birth Day event. There are four Founders Awards—one of which has been The Birth Day Closest to that of Benjamin Miller. Upon thoughtful and spiritual reflection we made the decision to release this award, and to establish a new award going forward.

Benjamin lived each day as a joyful spirit. Disappointments or frustrations on a day never carried forward to another day. He loved His Lord and loved each person created by Him. Loving others, serving others, participating in relationships with others were at the core of who he was. This new award recognizes these exceptional characteristics in a participating camper. The new award has been presented by the Founders to Julie Lyle, Janee Combee, and Glen Stilley. Anna B., Niki Dondero, Allison Occhionero and Eric Voorheis.  Each was officially inducted into the Benjamin G. Miller “Joyful Spirit” Academy at the 2024 Camper Reunion event on April 13. Thank you to each one for the opportunity to celebrate you!